
Smartchip™ Magenta toner for use in Lexmark C/X 540, 543, 544, 546, 548 (C544H2MG)(2,000 pages)(WW)

Item No: 13847


Technical Specifications

Smartchip ® for use in Lexmark® C 540, 543, 544, OEM C544H2MG (US retail $133)
high yield toner cartridges rated 2,000 pages at 5% coverage. Smartchip on toner
cartridge required

Also available Return Program cartridge OEM C544H1MG rated at 2,000 pages (US
retail $83) Smartchip on cartridge (locking device)

C543/544 Printers ship with 2,000 pages return cartridge
C540 Printer ships with 1,000 pages return cartridge