Technical Specifications
Prevent possible print defects and damage to your drum with UninetÆs OEM stylemag roller bushings.Bushings play an integral role in setting the development gap in the cartridgeand should conform precisely with the OEM specifications for proper functioningof the cartridge, also help prevent toner leakage past the mag roller endmagnets.UninetÆs mag roller bushings with an exact tight tolerance of + / - 3/10,000 ofan inch desinegd and manufactured to OEM specifications, ensure high performanceprinting cartridge after cartridgeAdditional Uninet replacement products are currently available for the HP 5000,EP-62 (29X);Cartridge metal universal pin (double head foe easy pull)End capFill plug (toner hopper plug-cap)Mag roller bushing (left & right)Mag roller electrical contact (new style & old style)Mag roller feltMag roller bearingMag roller stabilizerOPC drum shutter door feltSeal channSeal Clear with foam & adhesiveSeal locking rails (clip) metal