Technical Specifications
This compact air cleaning machine puts dust control where you need it. Place itclose to cartridge tear-down, dumpling, splitting, and filling operations. Itremoves toner from the air before it spreads all over your shop.The powerful 950 cubic feet per minute (ACTUAL measured airflow) variable speedblower processes 3 to 4 times as much air as other units claiming '1000cfm'. The blower can run continuously, and is designed to be set on low speed as ageneral air-claening device. The low speed setting reduces noise, wear & energyconsumption.The unique filtration system is extremely economical and very effective on tonerparticles. The pre-filter is permanent and will stop 99% of all tonerparticles. The main filter is a high efficiency mini-pleat which will then trap99% of all particles that escape the pre-filter. There are three foam gasketsand a clamping flange with 10 bolts to insure that all air flows through thefilters and none flows around them.The Collecto