
Absolute Black® toner for use in Xerox Docucolor 12, 1256, 50, 22 lb bag (LIMITED SUPPLY)

Item No: 8333


Technical Specifications

Absolute ColorĀ® toner for use in Xerox DocuColor 12 OEM 6R1049 Black toner
cartridge rated at 11,000 pages at 5% coverage of a letter size page. No
Smartchip on toner cartridge. NEEDS CARRIER

OEM cartridges are sold in 2 packs rated at 11,000 pages x 2 = 22,000 pages

1-Clean OEM toner hopper
2-Remove all OEM toner and carrier residue from the toner cartridges
3-Use 1 bottle (380g) of Black toner and 1 bottle of product N 10652 UNIVERSAL
CARRIER (120g) for each cartridge
4-Shake well the Toner & carrier mix and drop into the cleaned OEM cartridge
5-Test and seal to avoid leaking